Sweet Tooth, Clean Conscience

We are so excited to host Casper's kids & families during Down Town Trick or Treating this year!
Saturday October 29th, 10am-Noon

When we realized what a big deal cocoa farming was, and that there were real-life children who were living and forced into labor (as slaves) to produce & harvest cocoa in Western Africa, our hearts broke.
Halloween was coming up quick - but there was no way we could support the chocolate companies whose candy is very cheap & accessible-everywhere-you-look.

Around The Table - we want to be the kind of community that puts our money where our mouths & hearts are. The Big-Bad chocolate companies know that they are purchasing cocoa from farms where children are forced into labor as slaves. Buying from them does not reflect our hearts: which believe that every single life on this planet is valuable, and should not be forced into slave-labor. We would be contributing to child-slavery if we purchased that chocolate! We refused to do that!

image courtesy of http://www.ethicalliving.co.za/

So, we did our research and purchased from companies that go to painstaking lengths to purchase cocoa only from sources that are Fair Trade & proven not to employ children in forced labor.

We are so pumped to see Casper come out and enjoy Downtown Trick or Treating.
This year, we're joining the fun by helping to bring an end to child slavery. Will you join us?

For Kids:
Are you a kid who is learning about child-slavery and cocoa farming for the first time?
Ask for help from your parent or caregiver to explore these resources so you can learn more! Maybe you can help start a movement to end the slavery of kids like you? Your voice matters!

Here are a few fun & helpful resources.

For Parents & Caregivers:
Is this the first time you've realized that well known American chocolate companies are connected to child slavery? Don't worry: we didn't get it either. Will you join us in bringing it to an end?

Here is a very easy place to start.

And here is a very comprehensive resource.

Thank you for coming out to have fun & trick or treating in downtown Casper!
Visit The Table any Wednesday night at 5:30pm for a shared meal and community.